Wednesday, January 11, 2012

DIY Dry Erase Calendar...$5 or less!

To add a splash of color to our kitchen and to create an active calendar, not on the computer, I made a dry-erase calendar, thanks to none other than pinterest! 

VERY easy to do, and can be done in one night!

1) Decide what colors you would like your calendar to be and go to your local hardware store or super center and collect the paint samples of the right colors.  (I recommend the swatches that are one single color, you'll get more out of it and the multiples can be too small).  They are free, but you might want to look out for suspicious on-lookers! (Why could you possibly need so many samples?!)

2)  Purchase or find a picture frame at least 11x14.  I bought mine from Walmart for $5! 

3) If your frame is 11x14, cut the paint swatches into 1 3/4 inch squares.  If it's bigger, you can do 2" and it does the job well.  You will need at least 35 squares (figure 5 rows of 7 days!)

4) On the page that comes inside the frame, lay out the squares to get the spacing right.

5) With double sided tape or rubber cement, adhere the squares to the page.

6) Close the frame and Wallah!!!  Your own, homemade dry-erase calendar!  All you need is a dry-erase marker and some things to do during the month and you're on your way to being a little more organized as well as a little more stylish!   :)

This one was done in blues and we made one for my sister in purples, yellows and turquoise which turned out great as well!
**A word to the wise: make sure the squares are straight...a little crooked gets a lot crooked by the time you're done!**

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